
Cybersecurity Training

COURSE OBJECTIVES As a result of the course, participants will acquire: – knowledge of computer security elements fundamentals; – knowledge of computer access control; – knowledge of security architecture; – knowledge of technical measures for network and host security; – knowledge of network management best practices; – knowledge of physical protection role in computer security. […]

Selling Your Essay for Profit

One reason that so many high school and college students are seeking essays available over the Internet is because they will need to satisfy academic expectations, that can be much higher than that which they get from traditional schools or universities. Another reason that some of the very best high school and college students seek […]

Composing a Custom Research Paper

Every college has a research paper available and each of them is written in accord with the policies and specifications which are part of their department. In some colleges, it is simply not possible to ask a professor for any of the information required for the research. One way to find the information you need […]

The Art of Academic Writing Service

What is it with term papers that all these people complain about? Is it the long and tedious nature of the assignment, or maybe the dreaded word-count limits? Whatever the reason may be, there’s not any denying the fact that the majority of college students, in addition to high school students throughout the country suffer […]

How to Find Research Paper Assistance

For the author who’s in need of study paper assistance, there are many resources available to make the job simpler. Students that are preparing their first or second research papers may not know where to get aid in their research papers. In some cases, the research paper they’re working on does not contain a lot […]

Busara Wins EACOS Open Source Consulting Award

Busara Core Solutions have won the EACOS Open Source Consulting firm of the year. The award presented during the 2019 EACOS Conference held at USIU in August 2019 affirms the commitment and hard work of Busara towards delivering competitive Open Source support services in the region. Busara Core Solutions have won the EACOS Open Source […]

Africa Legal Network adopts Koha ILS

Busara has implemented Koha ILS for Africa Legal Network – based in Nairobi The implementation of all the system modules took an average on one month and included Training to all the knowledge center staff ALN now joins a growing list of legal firms in Nairobi that have adopted Koha ILS to manage its information […]

Who uses Alfresco ECM?

Academia: Universities, Colleges and Schools including chartered, private and public. Examples: University of Wits – SA, The New York Philharmonic, Havard Business School, and Edmonton Public Schools Government: Ministries, Public Agencies, Public Hospitals, and Cooperatives, Security & Law enforcement, Immigration. Examples: USA Department of Defense DOD, USA Navy, Rwanda – Ministry of Education, Ministry of […]

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